loss durability is based on a few effects.
losses in battle;
any critical hits to the bow or stern will drop you at least 3 points per hit. higher the damage the more you may lose.
broadsides (hits to the side of the ship) that are "massive" if you take a battle carrack and take a 100-400 damage hit to the side you will lose durability do to the mass damage.
losses at sea;
if you are in a galley and get hit with a massive wave you can lose durability (happened to my barb galley around cape town in CBT)
i also heard talk that stuff like the karaken might also cause durb loss but i havent hit him yet so i dont know.
those are the 3 main ways to lose max durability.
only thing that can recover it is the master carpentry tools and they only recover 1-3 points per tool
http://global.netmarble.com/forum/Forum … 3&pid=
Также в теме утверждают что корабль не может потерять более половины своей максимальной прочности, но мой опыт показывает что ЭТО НЕ ТАК. Мой корабль сейчас имеет 70 очков максимум, на старте было около 220.